Why Sexual Health Education?

Everyone has a right to sexual health information.
Sexual health topics are mandated in BC curriculum from kindergarten through to secondary school. People have the right to know how their bodies work and how to keep themselves and those around them safe. Providing inclusive, current and accurate sexual health information equips people of all ages, identities and orientations with the tools they need to make informed and healthy decisions.

Kids are curious!
Kids are naturally curious about bodies. We tend to encourage and foster any other types of curiosity that kids express, but when it comes to sexuality we often stop short. Kids don’t see why talking about the functions of the digestive system and the functions of the reproductive system are any different because they are free of shame and social taboos. This is something worth celebrating! If kids don’t receive information from reliable sources they will seek it out elsewhere (or make up their own stories) and the information might not always serve them well.

Support for one’s sense of self.
Sexuality (which is about so much more than sex!) is such an integral part of who we are. Being open to talking and answering questions about sexual health with children and youth lets them know that their identity and development is supported. Development of healthy individuals relies largely on everyone feeling seen and heard.

Community Education

Sex Ed Sitdowns: 90 minutes
Have you ever wanted to pick a sexual health educator’s brain? Here’s your chance! Gather a group of pals (max 6), get comfy and enjoy a relaxed and casual 90-minute session where you can ask anything you might be wondering about sexual health. Yes, really, anything! Wondering how to talk to kids/youth in your life? How to answer tough questions? Feel like you missed out on sex ed yourself? Want to get nerdy about pleasure? Have questions about postpartum sexuality? Wondering about something else sexuality related altogether? Let’s talk about it!
Evening or daytime sessions available.
$150/group of up to 6 adults in Mission (contact for pricing outside of Mission)

Approachable Adult: 90 minutes

A workshop style approach to exploring the following topics:

  • Sexuality throughout the lifespan

  • The importance of talking to children and youth about sexual health

  • What to talk about and when

  • Tools and skills to build comfort talking about sexual health with the children/youth in your life

  • Resources

This workshop can be booked locally (Fraser Valley) for a flat rate of $300 at any time.
Contact via email for availability and rates outside of the Fraser Valley.

Navigating Postpartum Sexuality: 120 minutes​
An intimate workshop style approach covering:

  • Sexuality across the lifespan

  • Contributing factors to desire

  • Strategies for navigating common features of postpartum sexuality

This workshop can be booked locally (Fraser Valley) for a flat rate of $300 at any time. 
Contact via email for availability and rates outside of the Fraser Valley.

Professional Development

Encouraging comfort discussing sexual health.
Possible topics: How to be an approachable practioner, sexuality throughout the lifespan, creating safe spaces, building inclusive language and understanding of lgbtq2s+ students, building inclusive lesson plans.
Requests for other sexual health related content are welcome!

​$300/90 minutes

What You Missed From Sex Ed

An inclusive catch-up geared toward young adults and anyone at any stage of life who missed out on comprehensive sexual health education. Topics vary by group need, but can include: anatomy refresh, consent navigation, a focus on pleasure, safer sex practices, contraception, understanding sexual desire, shame-free STIs 101.

Rates vary by group, location, and session length. Contact me with your requests or ideas!


Full scope sexual health education that meets current BC Ministry of Education learning standards.

Carefully crafted lesson plans for all grade levels.

Opportunity for dialogue with teachers, counsellors, and administrators so that lesson plans can be adapted and catered to the unique and specific needs of individual classrooms and schools.


I am excited to support schools in my community and surrounding communities in meeting BC's sexual health learning standards. 

Below are the learning standards that I am equipped to deliver in classrooms:

         Kindergarten-Grade 3 

  • Names for parts of the body, including genitals 

  • Appropriate and inappropriate touch 

  • Hazards and potentially unsafe situations 

  • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations 

  • Privacy

  • Family shapes 

         Grade 4 and 5 

  • Physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty, including those involving sexuality and sexual identity 

  • Factors that influence self-concept, including body image and social media 

         Grade 6 and 7 

  • Physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty and adolescence 

  • Influences on self-concept, including attraction, gender, values, beliefs and 

  • Practices that reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and life- 
    threatening communicable diseases 

  • Human reproduction 

    Grade 8 and 9

  • Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships 

  • Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination 

  • Sources of health information 

  • Potential short-term and long-term consequences of health decisions, including 
    protection from sexually transmitted infections 

  • Healthy sexual decision-making 

        Grades 10-12 (1-3 sessions each): 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the skills needed to build and maintain healthy relationships 

  • Analyze practices that promote healthy sexual decision-making 

  • Analyze practices associated with the prevention of HIV/AIDS 

$225/day, 4 sessions per day in middle/high school, 5 sessions in elementary.